Have you turned your social media off because you just can’t take all the negativity of Fall 2020? It really is draining to hear COVID19 statistics and COVID19 opinions every single day. But fortunately, the election is behind us.
I’m here to cheer you up, to put some high-beam focus on the good parts of 2020. They exist. I put a call out for some of my best (Facebook) friends to share with me the new and wonderful moments they have experienced in the COVID era so far; I’ll add my own as well. Hopefully you’ll see something familiar on this list. The most important thing is to count your blessings!
- Many of us have realized that we are not “on the throne” — God is. It has become evident that He is in control.
- We’ve learned how to not put our hands into the bag of shredded cheese.
- Some of us have been extremely sick, and there’s been someone home to care for us.
- Everyone I know got a puppy.
- We have doubled the market for “from-the-waist-up” fashion.
- Check out all the stylish mask fabrics! My mom even made me one with fabric to remind me of my dad’s old Bermuda shorts. (Ew?)
- Sooo many more Christmas lights, sooo much earlier this year.
- Some have been able to quickly transform a spare bedroom to an office.
- Online work, online training, online gaming, online school, online shopping are at an all-time high.
- 80-somethings have learned how to Zoom!
- Most things are cleaner.
- Joe Biden got to stay in Delaware a lot more.
- Some of us have shared Bible Study or book clubs from across the country.
- Creative connecting such as a virtual gift exchange in July or Zoom trivia nights have popped up. Even art classes or dance parties can be online.
- We don’t “have” to go to church; we “get” to go to church.
- Garages, rooms and closets have been organized or redecorated.
- A noticeable uptick in fire pit usage is evident.
- Quite a few virtual sing-alongs (with all the parts!) happened.
- Some parents have become much more involved in their kids’ education.
- We’ve discovered some wonderful, new outdoor spaces.
- I’m assuming online dating is going strong.
- When we can’t be in the nursing home, at least we can Zoom in occasionally.
- We savor more “snail mail.”
- Some notice a pleasant, slower pace to life, and a greater appreciation of it.
- Family time is precious — especially time with newborns!
- Many have more gratitude for jobs, possessions, toilet paper, etc.
- Neighbors are helping neighbors; people are sharing recipes in grocery stores.
- People are doing more thoughtful online shopping, including at small businesses.
- We are slowing down the pace of life a bit.
- Rush-hour traffic has decreased.
- Impromptu activities are sometimes more doable.
- Individuals have more time to think about the pace of life and determine if it matches their spiritual purpose.
- An empty calendar is freeing.
- Big limitations have created amazing innovations.
- Smaller summer crab feasts meant more intimate time with fewer people.
- We have more empathy for shut-ins and elderly or vulnerable people.
- For some, time together has strengthened a marriage.
- We’ve become more comfortable with technology and seeing ourselves on the screen.
- Chick-Fil-A has like 17 drive-through lanes. (Yum)
- My favorite moment so far: reading a bedtime story to my granddaughters via Zoom.
There you go! Slow down, and read it again. Add your own moments to the list, and start a conversation in your circle about naming the blessings. Gratitude lightens the heart.