Monthly Archives: June, 2024

Ten Minutes of Self-Care by Vicki Tillman LPCMH

We live in a crazy-busy world. We Americans often find ourselves under pressure to go, go, go- day and night.

The hectic lifestyle of our culture cuts across generations, but in different forms:

  • Young adults who are balancing school, work, and relationships with new-found independence.
  • Middle-agers who are working and carting young teens all over the country to fill the extracurricular needs of their high schoolers (who often have lots of stuff that looks great on their college applications)
  • Senior adults working and caregiving for aging spouses and/or grandkids

What we Americans sometimes don’t tend to have enough time for is our own self-care.

If you work and care for others, thank you. By taking time out of your day to prioritize the needs of others, you are making the world a better place.

That said, you are also worth caring for. You are worth caring for not because you work so hard but simply because you are you.

(I know that sounds like circular logic, but it’s the kind of circular logic that is tied to two truths: 1. you are worth caring for, 2. because you are you.)

After all, two of my favorite “experts” said this, I think they are pretty good at being correct:

Mr. Rogers said, “You are a very special person. There is only one just like you in the history of the earth, and there never will be again. And people can like you just because you’re you.”

Nick Cho “Your Korean Dad” on social media said, “I don’t know who needs to hear this, but when you’re accustomed to always putting yourself last, learning to put yourself first is a painful process. But, beloved, know that finding yourself is worth the pain.”

Trust me (and Mr. Rogers and Nick Cho), you are worth caring for!

Here’s a thought:

What if you tried an experiment for two weeks where you valued yourself enough to put yourself first- just a tiny bit?

Maybe ten minutes worth of “put yourself first” each day. Ten minutes that you spent doing something that was beautiful, kind or mindful for you. Because you’re worth it.

You might spend ten minutes with one of these:

  • Sitting outside and watching the birds (or the stars, if it’s nighttime)
  • Sweeping or vacuuming, but only if you like it and it feels calming (there’s such a thing as “mindful sweeping”)
  • Reading a book
  • Writing in a journal, maybe about your day or a gratitude list
  • Meditating
  • Painting
  • Trying some tai chi or going for a mindful walk
  • Doing a jigsaw or crossword puzzle
  • Talking to a friend (if they are positive and encouraging)
  • Taking a longer, relaxed shower

What might you add to the list?

I’m curious if you will see that after two weeks of ten-minute self-care, you might believe in yourself just a little more? I wonder if you have been experiencing anxiety, the anxiety might be a little better?

Ten minutes isn’t much.

But it is a great start. If that’s all the time you have, you’re worth spending that ten minutes on. And maybe, it will lead to more self-care over time.

Because you’re worth it.

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