Dear Martians and Venetians,
Do you remember that old book that you probably never read, but also never forgot? In 1992, a psychologist named John Gray, wrote the well-known book called Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus – “the classic guide to understanding the opposite sex.” Picking this book back up recently, I was immediately reminded why it became so popular – because it was spot on!
Pick up a copy, and you will be glad you did.
A man’s sense of self is defined A woman’s sense of self is defined
through his ability to achieve results. through her feelings and the quality
of her relationships.
To offer a man unsolicited advice is to Generally, when a woman offers
presume that he doesn’t know what to unsolicited advice or tries to “help”
do or that he can’t do it on his own. a man, she has no idea how critical
and unloving she may sound to him.
To feel better men go to their caves
To solve problems alone. To feel better women want to get
together and openly talk about problems
Just as a man is fulfilled through working A woman is fulfilled through talking
out the intricate details of solving a problem. about the details of her problem.
Men are motivated and empowered when Woman are motivated and empowered
they feel needed and respected. Not to when they feel loved and cherished. Not
be needed is a slow death for a man. to feel loved is a slow death for a woman.
The secret of empowering a man is never A woman needs is continued reassurance
to try to change him or improve him, do this of the man’s love for her. Just because
and he will grow on his own because he no longer she is told once does not mean she does
must resist change. not need to hear it every day.
A woman should not be judged for needing
reassurance of her value, specialness or her
need to talk.
A man should not be judged for his
need for respect, to solve problems and go to
his cave to withdrawal and reboot.